A good hat won’t guarantee a big catch… but it doesn’t hurt

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The Staple - Baitcraft
Khaki - Caddo Junction The Staple - Baitcraft
The Staple - Static
Groundfall Bedrock-Black The Staple - Static
The Staple - Stamped Sense
Willis - Buckland-Full Mesh The Staple - Stamped Sense
The Staple - High Beam
Marshwood - Brown-Black The Staple - High Beam
The Marina - Bait Camp
Willis - Bayou Blood The Marina - Bait Camp
The Marina - Vintage Champ
Willis - Buckwood-Black Rope The Marina - Vintage Champ
The Marina - Bait Camp
Waterwood - Water Rock The Marina - Bait Camp
The Marina - Statement
Doveland Peppergrass The Marina - Statement